
Showing posts from July, 2019

50 Marks Bihar Board 12th English 25 VVI Objective Questions 2020

50 Marks Bihar Board 12th English 25 VVI Objective Questions 2020 Friends today you are going to learn the 50 Marks English VVI objective questions of Bihar board for 2020 Intermediate examination. 50 Marks Bihar Board English VVI objective questions 2020 VVI objective questions 2020 of 50 Marks Bihar Board English Important Objective questions for 2020 Bihar Board 12th Final Exam:- 1. A cow is ……. useful animal. Ans: - An 2. ………. Ramayana is Holy Book. Ans: - The 3. ‘With the Photographer’ is written by …… Ans: - Stephen Leacock 4. The machines, helpful to man work by …... Ans: - Power 5. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ‘well off’:- Ans: - rich 6. Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ‘in time’:- Ans: - not late 7. He can be at the house. I don’t know. (Choose the correct option of combination) Ans: - I don’t know whether he is at the house. 8. The weather’s condition is fine. They go for a walk. (Choose the correct option of...

With the photographer Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English

With the photographer Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English Board: - Bihar School Examination Board Class: - 12th (Intermediate) Subject: - Objective English or 50 Marks English Section: - Prose Chapter: - Second Chapter Name: - With the photographer Writer: - Stephen Leacock बिहार बोर्ड 12 वीं 50 अंक अंग्रेजी के लिए फोटोग्राफर वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न बोर्ड: - बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा बोर्ड कक्षा: - 12 वीं (इंटरमीडिएट) विषय: - वस्तुनिष्ठ अंग्रेजी या 50 अंक अंग्रेजी धारा: - गद्य अध्याय: - दूसरा अध्याय का नाम: - फोटोग्राफर के साथ लेखक: - स्टीफन लीकॉक फ़ोटोग्राफ़र के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न: - With the photographer Objective Questions:- 1. The thin man in a grey suit, with the dim eyes of a natural scientist, was – एक ग्रे सूट में पतला आदमी, एक प्राकृतिक वैज्ञानिक की मंद आँखों वाला कौन था - Answer: - The photographer 2. Who wrote ‘With the photographer’ article? फोटोग्राफर के लेख को किसने लिखा है? Answer: - Stephen Leacock 3. The author wanted a faithful copy o...

The Daffodils Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English

The Daffodils Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English Board: - Bihar School Examination Board Class: - 12th (Intermediate) Subject: - Objective English or 50 Marks English Section: - Poetry Chapter: - First Chapter Name: - The Daffodils Writer: - William Wordsworth The Daffodils Objective Questions:- 1. The poem, ‘The Daffodils’ is composed by- कविता, 'द डैफोडिल्स' किसके द्वारा बनाई गई है? Ans: - William Wordsworth 2. Who is compared as a cloud in the poem, ‘The daffodils’? 'द डैफोडिल्स' कविता में बादल की तुलना किससे की जाती है ? Ans: - The poet himself. 3. Who is called as ‘the father of romantic poems’? 'रोमांटिक कविताओं का जनक' किसे कहा जाता है? Ans: - William Wordsworth 4. What was the color of daffodils?     डैफोडील्स का रंग क्या था? Ans: - Golden 5. Who were fluttering and dancing in the breeze?     जो हवा में लहरा रहे थे और नाच रहे थे? Ans: - Daffodils 6. The joy and dancing of daffodils has outdone th...

Our Own Civilization Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English

Our Own Civilization Objective Questions for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English Objective Questions of Our Own Civilization for Bihar board 12th 50 Marks English Board: - Bihar School Examination Board Class: - 12th (Intermediate) Subject: - Objective English or 50 Marks English Section: - Prose Chapter: - First Chapter Name: - Our Own Civilization Writer: - C.E.M. Joad Our Own Civilization Objective Questions:- 1. Our Own Civilization is written by :- हमारी अपनी सभ्यता किसके द्वारा लिखित है: - Ans: - C.E.M Joad 2. Extra limbs which men have made for help in their day to day life:- अतिरिक्त अंग जो पुरुषों ने अपने दैनिक जीवन में मदद के लिए बनाए हैं: - Ans: - Machines 3. Previous civilizations were specialized and- पिछली सभ्यताएँ विशिष्ट थीं और Ans: - limited. 4. Modern man completely relies on- आधुनिक मनुष्य पूरी तरह से इस पर निर्भर करता है- Ans: - Machines 5. The author of ‘Our Own Civilization’ lives in- 'हमारी अपनी सभ्यता' के लेखक कहाँ के रहने वाल...

Objective Questions David Copperfield for Bihar 12th 50 Marks English

Objective Questions David Copperfield for Bihar 12th 50 Marks English David Copperfield VVI 25 Short Questions for Bihar 12th 50 Marks English Objective Questions David Copperfield for Bihar 12th 50 Marks English Bihar 12th 50 Marks English VVI 25 Objective Questions of David Copperfield Now You Have the Objective Questions the Novel David Copperfield:- 1. David Copperfield the most famous novel is written by- डेविड कॉपरफील्ड सबसे प्रसिद्ध किसके द्वारा लिखित उपन्यास है- Ans: - Charles Dickens 2. Miss Betsey Trotwood was related to David Copperfield as- मिस बेट्सी ट्रॉटवुड डेविड कॉपरफील्ड से संबंधित थीं- Ans: - His father’s aunt 3. Mother of David Copperfield was- डेविड कॉपरफील्ड की माँ थीं- Ans: - Clora Copperfield 4. David remarried with- डेविड ने फिर से शादी की- Ans: - Agnes 5. David revolted against- डेविड ने विद्रोह किया- Ansa: - Mr. Mudstone 6. The most comic figure in the novel is- उपन्यास में सबसे हास्य चित्र है- Ans: - Mr. Micawber 7. Who was the employee of a wine-factory- शर...

Objective questions of me and the Ecology Bit for BSEB 10th Students

Objective questions of me and the Ecology Bit for BSEB 10th Students Objective questions of me and the Ecology Bit for BSEB 10th Students Me and the Ecology Bit Objective questions For BSEB 10th Students Board: - Bihar School Examination Board Class: - Tenth Subject: - English Section: - Prose Chapter: - Second Chapter Name: - Me and the Ecology Bit Writer: - Joan Laxau Objective questions of me and the Ecology Bit:- 1. What is the type of the chapter me and the Ecology Bit? Ans: - Prose 2. What is the sub-type of the chapter me and the Ecology Bit? Ans: - Featured Article 3. What is the main theme of this chapter? Ans: - Preserving of Ecology 4. The chapter has been written in ……….. Form to explain the ecology. Ans: - Dialogue 5. Who is the writer of the chapter me and the Ecology bit? Ans: - Joan Laxau       6. Who is used paper route to communicate to people? Ans: - The writer 7. Who did give suggestions on ecology free of cost? Ans: - Sel...