Objective of On Letter Writing for Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose
Objective of On Letter Writing for Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose
Objective of On Letter - Writing for Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose
Bihar Board 12th 50Marks English Prose Section:-
Chapter Name: - On Letter Writing
Chapter Number: - Fourth
Writer: - A.G. Gardiner
Dear students of Bihar board of 12th class here you will get the objective of ‘On Letter Writing” is written by A.G. Gardiner. Please study this objectives carefully and a lots of marks in Bihar Board final Intermediate examination.
12th 50Marks English on Letter Writing objective questions for 2020 Bihar Board final intermediate examination.
1. Two great letter – writers of all time mentioned in the essay ‘On Letter Writing’ are –
इस पाठ में किस दो महान पत्रकार के बारे में वर्णित है ?
Ans: - Carlyle and Keats
2. The essay, ‘On Letter Writing ’ is penned by :-
यह पाठ किसके द्वारा लिखा गया है ?
Ans: - A.G. Gardiner
3. According to De Quincey, the dales men of Lakeland of a century ago used to dodge –
डी क्विंसी के अनुसार, एक सदी पहले लेकलैंड के डेल्स आदमी किसे चकमा देते थे?
Ans: - The postal charge
4. The two soldiers looked like -
दो सिपाही कैसे दीखते थे ?
Ans: - Brothers
5. How did Sam said, ‘It is a real job’?
सैम ने कैसे कहा, 'यह एक वास्तविक काम है' ?
Ans: - Ruefully सावधानी से
6. Who said Bill not to forget to write a letter?
किसने कहा कि बिल को पत्र लिखना नहीं भूलना चाहिए?
Ans: - Sam
7. Who was the victim of cold?
ठण्ड का शिकार कौन था?
Ans: - Aunt Jane
8. Sam felt his head as empty as –
सैम ने अपना सिर खाली किस चीज के जैसा महसूस किया?
Ans: - A Drum
9. Letters written by Cowper, Horace Walpole, Byron, Lamb and Carlyle could be called –
काउपर, होरेस वालपोल, बायरन, मेम्ने और कार्लाइल द्वारा लिखे गए पत्रों को कहा जा सकता है -
Ans: - Immortal अमर
Thanks for coming on the ‘On Letter Writing’ objective questions and answers post which is for 2020 Bihar Board final intermediate examination of 12th 50Marks English.
Objective of On Letter - Writing for Bihar 12th 50Marks English Prose
Bihar Board 12th 50Marks English Prose Section:-
Chapter Name: - On Letter Writing
Chapter Number: - Fourth
Writer: - A.G. Gardiner
Dear students of Bihar board of 12th class here you will get the objective of ‘On Letter Writing” is written by A.G. Gardiner. Please study this objectives carefully and a lots of marks in Bihar Board final Intermediate examination.
12th 50Marks English on Letter Writing objective questions for 2020 Bihar Board final intermediate examination.
1. Two great letter – writers of all time mentioned in the essay ‘On Letter Writing’ are –
इस पाठ में किस दो महान पत्रकार के बारे में वर्णित है ?
Ans: - Carlyle and Keats
2. The essay, ‘On Letter Writing ’ is penned by :-
यह पाठ किसके द्वारा लिखा गया है ?
Ans: - A.G. Gardiner
3. According to De Quincey, the dales men of Lakeland of a century ago used to dodge –
डी क्विंसी के अनुसार, एक सदी पहले लेकलैंड के डेल्स आदमी किसे चकमा देते थे?
Ans: - The postal charge
4. The two soldiers looked like -
दो सिपाही कैसे दीखते थे ?
Ans: - Brothers
5. How did Sam said, ‘It is a real job’?
सैम ने कैसे कहा, 'यह एक वास्तविक काम है' ?
Ans: - Ruefully सावधानी से
6. Who said Bill not to forget to write a letter?
किसने कहा कि बिल को पत्र लिखना नहीं भूलना चाहिए?
Ans: - Sam
7. Who was the victim of cold?
ठण्ड का शिकार कौन था?
Ans: - Aunt Jane
8. Sam felt his head as empty as –
सैम ने अपना सिर खाली किस चीज के जैसा महसूस किया?
Ans: - A Drum
9. Letters written by Cowper, Horace Walpole, Byron, Lamb and Carlyle could be called –
काउपर, होरेस वालपोल, बायरन, मेम्ने और कार्लाइल द्वारा लिखे गए पत्रों को कहा जा सकता है -
Ans: - Immortal अमर
Thanks for coming on the ‘On Letter Writing’ objective questions and answers post which is for 2020 Bihar Board final intermediate examination of 12th 50Marks English.
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